Friday, January 4, 2008

Submitting a job to LSF job queue [3]: through CondorG with birdbath APIs

To submit a job to the LSF thourgh the condor G with birdbath APIs, your ClassAdStructAttr should contains required attributes. I retrieved the list of keywords from my previous example: Submitting a job to LSF job queue [2]. After submitting condor job with example[2], run condor_q -l, than you can get a list of valid keywords. Please note that even though you use wrong keyword, condor WON'T throw any exception, and your job WON'T go through. (now I'm pulling my hair.) Therefore, make something runs correctly even though it's not with birdbath APIs, and start from the valid keywords generated from that example.

* Attributes In, Out, and Err are used for specifying Standard Input, output, and error redirections. Therefore if your executables uses standard input/output and redirects them to files, those should be specified with these attributes.

* In this case, pw.x generates multiple files besides stdout output files. Attribute
TransferOutput specifies files that should be transfered after the process is done.

* Attribute GlobusRSL is equivalant to the keyword globusrsl in the script file for the command line submission by condor_submit.

* Many many thanks to Marlon for helping me out!!

Actual ClassAdStructAttr[] is following:
ClassAdStructAttr[] extraAttributes =
new ClassAdStructAttr("GridResource", ClassAdAttrType.value3, gridResourceVal),
new ClassAdStructAttr("TransferExecutable",ClassAdAttrType.value4,"FALSE"),
new ClassAdStructAttr("Out", ClassAdAttrType.value3, tmpDir+"/"+"pwscf-"+clusterId+".out"),
new ClassAdStructAttr("UserLog",ClassAdAttrType.value3, tmpDir+"/"+"pwscf-"+clusterId+".log"),
new ClassAdStructAttr("Err",ClassAdAttrType.value3, tmpDir+"/"+"pwscf-"+clusterId+".err"),
new ClassAdStructAttr("In",ClassAdAttrType.value3, workDir+"/"+"Pwscf_Input"),
new ClassAdStructAttr("ShouldTransferFiles", ClassAdAttrType.value2,"\"YES\""),
new ClassAdStructAttr("WhenToTransferOutput", ClassAdAttrType.value2,"\"ON_EXIT\""),
new ClassAdStructAttr("StreamOut", ClassAdAttrType.value4, "TRUE"),
new ClassAdStructAttr("StreamErr",ClassAdAttrType.value4,"TRUE"),

new ClassAdStructAttr("TransferOutput",ClassAdAttrType.value2,
"\"pwscf.pot, pwscf.rho, pwscf.wfc,, pwscf.oldrho,, pwscf.update\""),

new ClassAdStructAttr("TransferOutputRemaps",ClassAdAttrType.value2,
".pot; pwscf.rho="+tmpDir+"/"+"pwscf-"+clusterId+
".md; pwscf.oldrho="+tmpDir+"/"+"pwscf-"+clusterId+
".save; pwscf.update="+tmpDir+"/"+"pwscf-"+clusterId+".update\""),

new ClassAdStructAttr("GlobusRSL", ClassAdAttrType.value2,
"\"(queue=development)(environment=(PATH /usr/bin))(jobtype=single)(count=1)\""),

new ClassAdStructAttr("x509userproxy",ClassAdAttrType.value3,proxyLocation),


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